Legal Advocacy
Chowan County NC Lawyers

If you face charges for “drunk driving,” it’s understandable you might be a little concerned. DWI in NC is serious. It can leave a mark on your permanent record.
Danny Glover is an experienced courtroom lawyer, standing by to help you or a loved one in Chowan County NC or Edenton.
People talk a lot about DWI charges, most of that being about other people they know. “Hey, did you hear Dave got arrested for DUI in Edenton?” It’s embarrassing to see you picture online.
The next part of the conversation often involves anecdotes about how to beat a DWI or what you need to do if you’re charged. That may involve conversations over whether you should blow or make them get a blood test.
While well-intended or just conversational, there is a tremendous amount of incorrect information out there. That’s as true between people talking at a bar as what you can find online Googling.
If you were arrested for DWI in Edenton NC, know this: It flat out does not matter what someone else did with their case in Raleigh or Charlotte or even up the road in Elizabeth City.
What matters is your case, your driver license in NC, and your future.
Arrested for DWI in Chowan County NC? Here’s What You Should Know:“We encourage you to turn off the noise and get the straight scoop. Call us, we actually know what we’re talking about when it comes to OBX DWI charges.”
– Danny Glover, Chowan County NC Lawyer
Given the potential consequences of a conviction, we think it’s a good idea to seek legal representation. It makes sense, if you’re standing in front of a judge facing criminal charges, to have an experienced DWI lawyer standing shoulder-to-shoulder with you.
The NC DWI laws involve a complicated interplay between the criminal laws and NC DMV. You may see it as one event. That makes sense.
You were stopped, arrested, taken to the Chowan County jail, given a ticket, and told when to go to court. The charging officer may have even taken your license and told you not to drive.
Arrests often involve multiple different law enforcement agencies and administrative laws. The DWI charge and arrest could be a trooper (NC highway patrol), intake at the Chowan County NC jail is handled by the Sheriff’s Department in Edenton, the Clerk of Court transmits notice of DWI suspensions to NC DMV, and the Division of Motor Vehicles formally suspends your license if you blew a .08 or willfully refused.
It can get real complicated, real fast.
“I’ve spent my legal career helping people in Chowan County. DWI defense takes hard work, preparation, and a willingness to look into the specifics of an arrest, dexterity tests, and roadside breath tests.”
– Danny Glover, Chowan County NC Attorney
We enjoy helping people in court. It appeals to our competitive nature. The complexity of DWI charges is what criminal lawyers enjoy. It’s intellectually interesting.
What happens when you get arrested for DWI in NC?
It’s important you select an attorney to help with substantial experience handling legal matters in Chowan County NC. Give us a ring, we’re here to answer your questions.
Are DWI Charges in Chowan NC different?
In some ways yes and some ways no. The NC DWI laws are constant throughout North Carolina. It’s not like there is a different standard in Edenton on what’s impaired driving or what is the legal limit.
At the same time, how you handle traffic tickets in Chowan or even an arrest may be a bit different than a big city like Charlotte. In part that’s because a lot of people arrested in Chowan County aren’t from Chowan County. They’re visitors.
If you came to Edenton from Virginia, DC, or even somewhere else in North Carolina, and got popped for DWI, you’ll need to come back to handle the charges.
It helps to have a local OBX lawyer to make arrangements for that to happen, to prepare your defense by securing the important legal documentation, and work with the District Attorney’s office in scheduling matters.
“That may sound simple. It’s not. Calendaring and scheduling are an important part of what criminal defense lawyers do to help.”
– Danny Glover, OBX DWI Lawyer
Now, as to what is probable cause to arrest in North Carolina or what the State must prove Beyond a Reasonable Doubt, that’s the same in Murphy NC as it is in the Outer Banks.
The State constitution ensures that the criminal laws in North Carolina are applied equally to everyone, regardless of their individual circumstances, background, race, age, sex, or creed.
That’s called Equal Protection of the laws and Due Process. You’re entitled to both in the United States.
Chowan County NC Lawyers – Edenton Attorney Danny GloverIt costs nothing to call us and ask questions. We offer free consultations and everything you tell us, including legal assistants and paralegals, is kept secret.
That’s what criminal lawyers mean by a Free Consultation and Confidential Consultation. You are protected by attorney client privilege.
Danny Glover is a dedicated advocate for justice and respected member of the legal community. Call now to get answers to your important legal questions.