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Articles Tagged with DVPO Lawyer

Allegations of domestic violence can be confusing and alarming, especially if a Domestic Violence Protective50B-DOMESTIC-VIOLENCE Judge Hearing Evidence on the Bench Order (DVPO) if filed under Chapter 50B. North Carolina law alleged victms who feel threatened or harmed in a personal, “domestic” relationship to petition the court for a civil protective order, sometimes referred to as a “50B order” or a “restraining order.”

It’s a good idea to understand how DVPO orders work, what you can expect in court on the Outer Banks, and why it helps to have legal counsel by your side. This post provides a detailed look at how and when DVPOs may be filed, the legal process, and your rights throughout. Call the Glover Law Firm now to schedule a confidential consultation: 252-299-5300 

OBX DVPO Topics:

What starts as a Domestic Violence Protective Order (DVPO) hearing can quickly evolve into DANNY-GLOVER-OBX-ATTORNEY criminal charges. The North Carolina Court of Appeals recently addressed this reality in Simpson v. Silver, filing an opinion that clarifies how courts evaluate evidence in these cases. The decision, released November 5, 2024, provides guidance on what testimony courts will consider and what evidence they require.

A DVPO hearing might seem like a simple court appearance, but the testimony given during these civil proceedings can impact criminal cases that follow. The words spoken, evidence presented, and objections raised – or not raised – shape both immediate outcomes and future proceedings. From Danny Glover Jr.’s office in the Outer Banks to courthouses across North Carolina, attorneys watch these decisions closely because they explain the NC laws and serve as an example for future cases.

What is a Domestic Violence Protection Order?

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