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Articles Tagged with Danny Glover – OBX Lawyer

Allegations of domestic violence can be confusing and alarming, especially if a Domestic Violence Protective50B-DOMESTIC-VIOLENCE Judge Hearing Evidence on the Bench Order (DVPO) if filed under Chapter 50B. North Carolina law alleged victms who feel threatened or harmed in a personal, “domestic” relationship to petition the court for a civil protective order, sometimes referred to as a “50B order” or a “restraining order.”

It’s a good idea to understand how DVPO orders work, what you can expect in court on the Outer Banks, and why it helps to have legal counsel by your side. This post provides a detailed look at how and when DVPOs may be filed, the legal process, and your rights throughout. Call the Glover Law Firm now to schedule a confidential consultation: 252-299-5300 

OBX DVPO Topics:

How a Recent Court Decision Clarifies Firearm Storage Law in North Carolina

The North Carolina Court of Appeals reviewed a criminal conviction involving two counts of failure to store a firearm to protect a minor and one count of involuntary manslaughter. North Firearm Storage Law in North Carolina Carolina v Cable arose after a tragic incident where a 16-year-old died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound at the accused’s home. The Court of Appeals reversed Cable’s convictions for a violation of the NC firearm storage law, providing new insights into how firearm storage laws are interpreted.

Key Findings from the Gun Storage Law Decision 

When is Bike Week this year? Outer Banks DUI Lawyer Danny Glover

The Outer Banks Harley Davidson Bike Week is an annual gathering of motorcycle enthusiasts from all over the East Coast and beyond. Bike Week is scheduled for April 22nd through April 30th, 2023.

Where is the Outer Banks Harley Bike Week held?

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