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North Carolina Advocates for Justice

DMV hearings, especially those involving a revocation due to impaired driving in North Carolina, DWI RESTORATION HEARINGcarry consequences.

If you have been permanently revoked or otherwise cannot legally drive due to DWI suspension, there may be options available for restoration that involve a formal hearing with the NCDMV – North Carolina Department of Transporation / Division of Motor Vehicles.

Assuming DMV authorizes a hearing to determine whether administrative relief is appropriate, there are several important steps to take prior to the actual hearing itself.

Criminal Lawyers While no one ever tries to get pulled over by the police, it can happen. There has been an incredible increase in the number of news stories concerning police misconduct.

You may feel compelled to record the police.

It makes sense to want to protect yourself and your rights by filming the police when they’re dealing with you. But first, you must understand and know the NC criminal laws.

Criminal Charges in Hertford NCIt’s a frightening time to be an illegal immigrant in the U.S. In the first eight months of President Trump’s presidency, there was a 42% increase in arrests of illegal immigrants. And unfortunately, that’s just one of the terrifying illegal immigration facts.

If you’re an illegal immigrant living in northeastern North Carolina, it’s important to understand your situation and find a lawyer. We’re here to provide you with information and legal advice you need.

In this article, I’ll lay out some key illegal immigration facts. I’ll tell you about the Trump Administration’s immigration policy. And I’ll tell you why you need a criminal defense lawyer.

What is Embezzlement?Crimes of theft or dishonesty carry the potential for long-term consequences, especially considering how they may affect the ability to find and keep a good job.  That is especially true for offenses involving larceny by employee, abuse of a position of authority or trust, and embezzlement charges.

While very similar to misdemeanor or felony charges involving larceny or “theft,” embezzlement provides for an enhanced punishment for the illegal conversion of assets.

In fact, for offenses involving $100,000 or more, the North Carolina criminal law under Chapter 14 allows for punishment as a Class C felony, which is more serious than armed robbery charges.

When you’re in a situation where you need a criminal attorney, it’s not unusual to feel afraid and overwhelmed. The next steps you take can impact the rest of your life, and you may not know where to start.

Choosing the right attorney can be critical to the outcome of your case. It’s not a decision that should be taken lightly, so don’t make the mistake of blindly hiring the first attorney you meet.

Always interview a few potential candidates and make an informed decision. During the interview process, ask smart questions and listen carefully to the way they’re answered. The following seven questions can help you get started.

A defense attorney is essential if you face criminal charges. It’s nearly impossible to defend yourself in court–regardless of your IQ and experience. If you find yourself in a jam, it is crucial to know your rights and how an attorney can help you.

No case is the same. Get a lawyer to look over your situation and help you when it comes time to go to court. Having a good lawyer can assure you don’t go to prison if you’re innocent, or that your punishment is kept to a minimum if you are guilty.

We’re going to go over the duties of a criminal defense attorney and show you how they can give you a winning edge in front of the judge.

Even if it’s your first DWI offense in North Carolina, you could be facing possible jail time, a suspension of your driving privileges, drastically increased insurance premiums, an ignition interlock device, probation, alcohol counseling and a fine of up to $4,000, depending on the circumstance. You definitely need to hire an experienced North Carolina DWI attorney to help you.

In North Carolina, DWI stands for “driving while impaired” and means the operation of a vehicle after the consumption of drugs, alcohol or other intoxicants. The Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) limit in the state is 0.08%.

If you’re pulled over for suspected DWI and have a North Carolina driver’s license, then you have already given “implied consent” to take a blood or alcohol test. If you refuse the blood or alcohol test, then you may lose your driver’s license for up to 1 year.

I Made Some Mistakes in the Past:  What Can I Do? How Do I Clean Up My Criminal Record?


I am frequently asked by people to help “get something off” of their criminal record. One of several tools that I can use to help with that is an expunction, also known as an expungement.

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