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Articles Posted in Domestic Violence

In this post, we’ll walk you through what happens after an OBX domestic violence arrest – from the charges you might face to the OBX-DOMESTIC-VIOLENCE-LAWYWERS court process in the Outer Banks and possible outcomes – and outline steps you can take along the way. If you or a loved one is dealing with a domestic violence charge, it’s a good idea to seek guidance from an experienced criminal defense attorney to discuss

your next steps and legal options.  Call the Glover Law Firm now to schedule your confidential consultation at no cost.  252-299-5300 

Table of Contents

Allegations of domestic violence can be confusing and alarming, especially if a Domestic Violence Protective50B-DOMESTIC-VIOLENCE Judge Hearing Evidence on the Bench Order (DVPO) if filed under Chapter 50B. North Carolina law alleged victms who feel threatened or harmed in a personal, “domestic” relationship to petition the court for a civil protective order, sometimes referred to as a “50B order” or a “restraining order.”

It’s a good idea to understand how DVPO orders work, what you can expect in court on the Outer Banks, and why it helps to have legal counsel by your side. This post provides a detailed look at how and when DVPOs may be filed, the legal process, and your rights throughout. Call the Glover Law Firm now to schedule a confidential consultation: 252-299-5300 

OBX DVPO Topics:

If accused of domestic violence in North Carolina, you may already know about a legal process called a Domestic Violence Protective COUNSELING-SESSION-FOR-OBX-DOMESTIC-VIOLENCE Order (DVPO) under Chapter 50B. It’s sometimes referred to as a “50B order” or “restraining order.” A judicial official can enter a DVPO against you, limiting (or even entirely preventing) your contact with the person who filed for protection.

What you might not expect is how 50B orders can be extended beyond their usual timeframe. If you thought an order would end in a year, it can be unsettling to learn someone wants it renewed for an extended period of time. . .sometimes for an additional year or more.

This post focuses on DVPO extension proceedings from the perspective as a person accused of domestic violence. You can face direct legal and personal implications if the protected party requests more time on the order. You’ll see how extension hearings work, the possible overlap with criminal charges (like Assault on a Female, Communicating Threats, or domestic violence misdemeanors), and the reasons we think it’s a good idea to speak with a lawyer if you’re dealing with these issues. Every case is different, and that’s one reason why you may want to talk with Outer Banks defense attorney Danny Glover if you have questions.

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